Thursday, February 12, 2009

A few cool links....

Bug eating lampshade...

Flies and moths are naturally attracted to light. This lamp shade has holes based on the form of the pitcher plant enabling access for the insects but no escape. Eventually they expire and fall into the microbial fuel cell underneath. This generates the electricity to power a series of LEDs located at the bottom of the shade. These are activated when the house lights are turned off.

And some sick architecture from none other than Kanye West:

Well not exactly from KW but he's the one blogging about it, I guess...

Finally a decent PDF online publishing tool..

"Issuu is the place for online publications: Magazines, documents, and stuff you’d normally find on print. It’s the place where you become the publisher. Upload a document, it’s fast, easy, and totally free. Within seconds you’ll have a super cool online magazine you can post anywhere on the web and share instantly with your friends."

All cheezy-ness aside it is pretty cool...

Into the Pixel

The Into the Pixel is an exhibit that features sixteen works of video game art, selected by a panel of jurors from a field of submissions gleaned from artists around the world. The exhibition offers an opportunity for published video and computer game artists to be reviewed and recognized by the public and by their peers in both the fine art and video game worlds.

My smart car can kick your gas guzzlers ass


If you got some time and want to see what's really hood in the bio-tech arena you need to peep this new mag h+. Is pretty good and it's first issue is available for free DL. So Peep!! -B

About h+ Magazine

h+ covers technological, scientific, and cultural trends that are changing — and will change — human beings in fundamental ways. We will be following developments in areas like NBIC (nano-bio-info-cog), longevity, performance enhancement and self-modification, Virtual Reality, "The Singularity," and other areas that both promise and threaten to radically alter our lives and our view of the world and ourselves.

More than that, h+ aims to reflect this newest edge culture by featuring creative expressions of humanity on a razor's edge where daily life and science fiction seem to be merging.

Just hangin' with my buds....

Suck it up leaches....

"Never thought I'ld be on a boat.."

This is my shit .... Funny as hell... Their album dropped this week, should be pretty dope. It was also released on double vinyl...

See "I'm on a boat!!" and "Jizz in my pants" vids at the bottom of this page...

Check this out....

I set up a page on this site, Indaba Music, to check it out and it's pretty dope. Indaba gives you the tools to collaberate with other musicians all over the world, it even has a built in mixing board. Peep the pics and the site. Would love it if Jup and Dash could get up on there we use it to trade files, mix, remix tracks and best of all give each other input on songs as they being laid down!..


Back in tha Stood-E-O w/ Mattic

T have been back in the recording studio with Mattic, He is recording some heat for his solo album as well as a few joints with some other dope artists... Stay Up!!